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"Me acuerdo de ti" (Robe Iniesta)

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


Some months ago I posted an entry to pay homage to Ian Curtis, leader and voice, singer and writer, of Joy Division, who committed suicide 30 years ago, on May 18th, 1980.

I accidentally “suicided” the entry. I post it again.

It’s my favourite song of Joy Division. It’s called “Shadowplay”.

What do I like about Ian and Joy Division? I only really like 5-6 songs of the band. And I feel deep sorrow for a talented guy who kills himself at 23. But I admire the consistency from the beginning to the end of the narrative of the story of the band.

I may compare it with the consistency of the story of The Beatles. Both are perfect (From Latin "perfectum": complete, finished) stories. That’s the beauty of them.

I’ll explain myself. The Beatles’ is a story about love, theme of most of their songs, that ended like a fairy tale, with a song called “The End” (“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make”).

Joy Division’s is its tragic reverse. Their (his, Ian’s) songs talked about despair, frustration and inner death. And their (his) story ended with an album called “Closer” — Closer to what? Closer to death, as suggested by the picture on the cover, chosen by the band, (by Curtis?): the photograph of a tomb, where you see a man lying dead, and four women crying, holding his wake; and a story that ends with Ian’s suicide.

Victory of love vs. Failure of love.

But same authenticity ‘til the end to perform their stories. Same perfection, form and content together. Same beauty.

“In a room with a corner with a window I found truth”
Besides the place where light make shadowplay possible, I see “a window” as a place from where to leap into the void. A metaphor for death. “I found truth in death”, seems to say Ian.
In the first version I post, from Tony Wilson’s show, it’s difficult for me to hear “with a window”. Instead, I hear “with no window”. So to speak, truth in loneliness but not in suicide. First appearance in* television, maybe a reason for hope. If so, it didn’t last very long.


To the centre of the city where all roads meet - waiting for you
[or in the Warsaw version: - looking for you]
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank - searching for you
Moving through the silence without motion - waiting for you
In a room with a window, in the corner, I found truth

In the shadowplay, acting out your own death - knowing no more
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor
And with cold steel, odour on their bodies, made a move to connect
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left

I did everything, everything I wanted to
I let them use you for their own ends
To the centre of the city in the night - waiting for you
To the centre of the city in the night - waiting for you


Sombras chinescas

Hasta el centro de la ciudad donde todas los caminos se cruzan – esperándote
Hasta el fondo del océano donde todas las esperanzas se hundieron – buscándote
Atravesando el silencio sin moverme – esperándote
En un cuarto con ventana, en la esquina, encontré la verdad

En el teatro de sombras chinescas, interpretando tu propia muerte – sin saber nada más
Mientras los asesinos agrupados en cuatro filas, bailando en la pista
Y apestando a acero frío, se movieron para conectarse
Lo único que pude hacer fue quedarme mirando incrédulo mientras las multitudes se marchaban

Hice todo, todo lo que quise
Dejé que hicieran contigo lo que quisieron
Hasta el centro de la ciudad – esperándote


From the album "Unknown Pleausres". Recorded at Stockport. I love this village near Manchester.

Live, 1979.

By Warsaw, previous name of Joy Division.

Live at Le Bains Douches (Paris), 18dec79.

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