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jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Rolling in the Deep Adele Live at 3fm

Adele Live Rolling in the Deep, at 3fm GI-EL (Netherlands)
Best performance of this song in youtube

Best performance of this song in youtube (à mon avis). I think it has to do with the freshness she sings it. This was recorded on nov26, 2010 ('Rolling-In-The-Deep'-live-bij-Giel), three days before being released as cd ( She wears the same coat as at the Paul de Leeuw's Madiwodovrij Show, the first live performance of the song, also in the Netherlands, one or two days before (

This means that she is not fully aware of the potential of the song, and that people have not heard it. I like watching the people gathering in the back, getting into the studio, nervous, probably thinking “Who is this fucking amazing singer, and this song?!!”. They are unconsciously recognizing that this song is going to be a classic while they are listening to it for the first time.

And I love Adele turning to the presenter, seems like a little bit insecure and, at the same time, knowing that she has sang it perfectly, like saying “Did you like it?”. (I would really like to know what he says in Dutch, besides the “Wow!”). 

And I like the comments in the page of 3fm, GI-EL ('Rolling-In-The-Deep'-live-bij-Giel), specially the one by “John”, who after hearing this performance rates this song as one of the best three songs ever, before being a hit. Many people could agree with that.


2 comentarios:

The Designa Intelligencer dijo...

He says "Unbelievable".

Américo Virus dijo...

Thanks for the info, The Designa Intelligencer.